listopadu 07 2011 at 12:00dop.
Newsletter PMI.CZ 1/1
Newsletter is in line with the Chapter’s Business plan, approved early this year. The Steering Committee has began fulfils the Business Plan’s goals while the formal steps of Chapter follow the PMI HQ processes.
Beside newsletter, there is also available to you the Chapter’s basic communication tool, the web pages at . After the test operation during the spring this year, we can now announce its official start. We hope you find useful information there and that you will use it regularly.
We welcome your ideas for amendments and mainly your articles for next newsletter issues and web updates. The future development of Chapter information sources depends only on all of us.
If you were able to incorporate the holidays into your current project plans, than I wish you a pleasant holiday reading. If you are now fully loaded with your project than I wish you find in newsletter or on our web an inspiration to cope with your projects successfully.
Best regards,
Petr Sestak