prosince 07 2017 at 09:14odp.
Výzva k mimořádným volbám 23.1.2018
Vážení členové PMI,
Po volbách v květnu 2017 se nepodařilo ustanovit akceschopný výbor České komory PMI, z.s. a činnost komory byla omezena. Krom toho se Vám občas dostávaly do mailboxů i informace týkající se vzájemných rozporů, za což se Vám co nejvíce omlouváme.
Děkujeme všem, kteří vydrželi a vyhlašujeme na 23. 1. 2018 mimořádné volby nového výboru a prezidenta. Zároveň vyzýváme všechny, kdo se chtějí do činnosti komory aktivně zapojit, k podání kandidatury na prezidenta, do vý-boru nebo kontrolního výboru.
Aby byly volby tentokrát pokud možno bez pochyb, převzal roli v mandátovém výboru Jonathan Thorngreen, partner našeho chapteru v PMI Brusel. Uvedl, že „ As the chapter partner for Central European chapters of PMI I am attending the elections of the PMI Czech Republic Chapter on January 23rd 2018 in my PMI staff capacity to ensure that the elections are held in a fair and transparent matter. I hope that the organization of transparent elections will result in a clear mandate for the elected board of the PMI Czech Republic chapter to serve the needs of the chapter’s members.”
Volby se budou konat dne 23. 1. 2018 od 17:30 hodin a to formou členské schůze (zároveň v Praze v T-mobile, adresa Tomíčkova 1, Praha 4, i v Brně v IBM, adresa Technická 2995/21). Hlasovat a kandidovat mohou ti, kdo byli k 1. 12. 2017 členy České komory PMI, z.s. (tzv. rozhodné datum voleb)
Kandidatury prosím podávejte do 13. 1. 2018 (tzv. rozhodné datum kandidatury). Bližší informace jsou k dispozici na webových stránkách v menu Volby 2018.
Igor Luhan
Dear PMI members,
After the May 2017 elections, the capacity for action of the PMI Czech Chapter as well as the Board was limited. In addition, you several times received to your mailboxes information related to mutual conflicts, for which we sincerely apologize.
We would like to express our gratitude to all of you who persevered and an-nounce an early election of a new Board and president on 23rd January 2018. At the same time, we urge all who want to participate actively in the Cham-ber activities to submit their candidacy for the positions of the President, Board member – Vice-president, or the member of Audit Board.
In order to make the elections this time without any doubt, the partner of our chapter in PMI Brussels, Jonathan Thorngreen, took on the role in the mandate com-mittee. He stated that " As the chapter partner for the Central European chapters of the PMI I am attending the elections of the PMI Czech Republic Chapter on January 23rd 2018 in my PMI staff capacity to ensure that the elections are held in a fair and transparent matter. I hope that the organization of transparent elections will result in a clear mandate for the elected board of PMI Czech Republic to serve the needs of the chapter's members. "
The elections will take place on 23rd January 2018 at 17:30 in the form of member meetings running simultaneously in Prague in T-Mobile offices at Tomíčko-va 1, Prague 4, and in Brno IBM, address Technická 2995/21. Anyone registered as PMI Czech Chapter member by the 1st December 2017 can participate by voting or running for a candidacy.
Please submit your candidacy by 13th January 2018. More details will be available on our website under Volby 2018 menu.