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Call to CZ chapter members

PM trends

Speakers should represent the "best of the best" with regard to a completed project or topic particularly relevant to the attendees at this congress. The theme for our 2011 congresses is “ Managing Risk in a Post Recovery Economy”. For the Communities of Practice, this is a way for you to put your role as a knowledge source in the spotlight with current and potential CoP members. For a chapter a presentation you submit and which is selected provides potential chapter members an opportunity to see the value of being a part of your chapter.

For a speaker, presenting at a PMI Global Congress is an excellent way to network, gain public speaking experience, and gain recognition for your ideas. PMI is looking for presenters who have experience speaking before project managers, but more importantly, practitioners who have information to share.

If you are interested in nominating a Presentation and Presenter for this congress, please send us your suggestions no later than 24 September 2010 to  email@pmi.cz.


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Budujeme komunitu projektových manažerů

Spojujeme projektové manažery v České republice a podporujeme jejich profesní růst prostřednictvím vzdělávacích akcí, profesionálních rozvojových aktivit, soutěží, konferencí a sdílení osvědčených postupů. Jsme součástí globální komunity Project Management Institute (PMI) a usilujeme o rozvoj projektového řízení napříč odvětvími.

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