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Czechoslovak Project Manager - Summer 2020


Dear readers,
These days, the EMEA PMI Congress was to take place in Prague, for which we were preparing organizationally, and to which we oriented this issue - that is why its entire content is in English this time. Eventually, after moving in time, the congress moved also in space, to the online format.
We feel disappointed, not because of the lost effort, but because of the missed opportunity that we were looking forward to. We are doing well in all areas, as none of us could have imagined a year ago. The fruits of our efforts will reach you in the services we provide to members of the PM community, and we will report about
them in detail in the magazine and on our website, so here I will only briefly name what you can look forward to…
The basis of everything is the successful recruitment of motivated volunteers, whose  numbers have doubled in recent months. Thanks to them, we can ensure smooth operation of basic activities (helpline and PDU management), work on web content that has been given a new elegant form, organize more events with better content, boost online marketing and launch new projects such as project management for schoolsor international cooperation with colleagues from other chapters.
I don‘t hesitate to claim that the magazine is growing not only in volume but also in quality and it is a pleasure to work on it. We will be happy to hear from you what else you would like to read and how the current form suits you. And because the read should be not only for you, but also about you, we will gladly welcome your
contributions, with the production of which we can happily help if needed.

Download PDF version of the magazine here.



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